Kgr force/sq.centimeter = Centimeter water (4°C) / 1000.0275330958
To get Kgr per square centimeter pressure, simply divide Centimeter water by 1000.0275330958. With the help of this pressure converter, we can easily convert Centimeter water to Kgr per square centimeter. Here you are provided with the converter, proper definitions,relations in detail along with the online tool to convert Centimeter water (4°C) to Kgr force/sq.centimeter.
1 Centimeter water (4°C) is 0.00099997246766225 Kgr force/sq.centimeter.
Centimeter water (4°C) to Kgr force/sq.centimeter converter is the pressure converter from one unit to another. It is required to convert the unit of pressure from Centimeter water to Kgr per square centimeter, in pressure. This is the very basic unit conversion, which you will learn in primary classes. It is one of the most widely used operations in a variety of mathematical applications. In this article, let us discuss how to convert Centimeter water (4°C) to Kgr force/sq.centimeter, and the usage of a tool that will help to convert one unit from another unit, and the relation between Centimeter water and Kgr per square centimeter with detailed explanation.
A centimeter of water (cmAq, cm H₂O) is a non-SI unit of pressure. It is defined as the pressure exerted at the base of a column of water 1 cm high, at 4°C (temperature of maximum water density), at the standard acceleration of gravity. 1 cmAq is roughly equal to 0.74 Torr. This unit is often used in medicine and in water supply networks.
A kilogram-force per square centimeter (kgf/cm²) is a non-SI metric unit of pressure. It is a measure of force per unit area. Another name of this unit is technical atmosphere (symbol at). 1 at = 98.0665 kPa ≈ 0.96784 standard atmospheres.