rad (rd) = gray (Gy) × 100
To get Rad radiation absorbed dose, simply multiply Gray by 100. With the help of this radiation absorbed dose converter, we can easily convert Gray to Rad. Here you are provided with the converter, proper definitions,relations in detail along with the online tool to convert gray (Gy) to rad (rd).
1 gray (Gy) is 100 rad (rd).
gray (Gy) to rad (rd) converter is the radiation absorbed dose converter from one unit to another. It is required to convert the unit of radiation absorbed dose from Gray to Rad, in radiation absorbed dose. This is the very basic unit conversion, which you will learn in primary classes. It is one of the most widely used operations in a variety of mathematical applications. In this article, let us discuss how to convert gray (Gy) to rad (rd), and the usage of a tool that will help to convert one unit from another unit, and the relation between Gray and Rad with detailed explanation.
A gray (Gy) is the SI derived unit of absorbed dose and specific energy (energy per unit mass). Such energies are usually associated with ionising radiation such as gamma particles or X-rays. It is defined as the absorption of one joule of energy in the form of ionizing radiation by one kilogram of tissue. In the SI basic units, a gray is expressed as m²⋅s⁻².
A rad (rd) is a deprecated non-SI unit of absorbed ionizing radiation dose. It is defined as 1 rad = 0.01 Gy = 0.01 J/kg. It was originally defined in CGS as the dose causing 100 ergs of energy to be absorbed by one gram of matter. It has been later replaced by the gray.